Former Members

Tim Beissinger | Tim Gustafson | Nick HasseCandy (Hansey) Hirsch | Ntjapa Lebaka | Aaron Lorenz | Steve Spranger

Melinda Yerka | German Muttoni | Rajan Sekhon | Jimmy Flannery | Julie Smith | Dan Roberts | Renato Rodrigues Silva

Tim Beissinger

Tim BeissingerPhD Student

Primary research interest: Development and application of methods for identifying the genomic traces of single-locus and epistatic selection.

Department of Agronomy
1575 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706-1597

Publications from Tim’s work at UW:

1. Haase, N., T.M. Beissinger, C.N. Hirsch, C.R. Buell, S.M. Kaeppler, N. de Leon (2015) Genetic Dissection of Quantitative Traits Using a Bulk and Resequencing Method on a Large Segregating Population of Maize. Target Journal: G3 accepted

2. Beissinger, T.M., G.J.M. Rosa, S.M. Kaeppler, D. Gianola, N. de Leon (2015) Defining window-boundaries for genomic analyses using smoothing spline techniques. Genetics, Selection and Evolution 47: 30-38

3. Foerster, J.M., T. Beissinger, N. de Leon, S.M. Kaeppler (2014) Large Effect QTL Explain Natural Phenotypic Variation for the Developmental Timing of Vegetative Phase Change in Maize (Zea mays L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 128: 529-538

4. Hirsch C.N., S.A. Flint-Garcia, T.M. Beissinger, S.R. Eichten, S. Deshpande, K. Barry, M.D. McMullen, J.B. Holland, E.S. Buckler, N.M. Springer, C.R. Buell, N. de Leon, S.M. Kaeppler (2014) Insights into the Effects of Long-Term Artificial Selection on Seed Size in Maize. Genetics 198: 409-421.

5. Beissinger, T.M., C.N. Hirsch, B. Vaillancourt, S. Deshpande, K. Barry, C.R. Buell, S.M. Kaeppler, D. Gianola, N. de Leon (2014) Genome-wide scan for selection following thirty generations of artificial selection for increased number of ears per plant in the Golden Glow maize population. Genetics 196: 829-840.

6. Beissinger, T.M., C.N. Hirsch, R. Sekhon, J. Foerster, J. Johnson, G. Muttoni, B. Vaillencourt, C.R. Buell, S.M. Kaeppler, N. de Leon (2013) Marker density and read-depth for genotyping populations using next-generation sequencing approaches. Genetics 193: 1073-1081.

7. Wu XL, Sun C, Beissinger TM, Rosa GJ, Weigel KA, de Leon Gatti N, Gianola D. 2012. Parallel markov chain Monte Carlo – bridging the gap to high-performance bayesian computation in animal breeding and genetics. Genetics Selection Evolution 44:29.

8. Wu XL, Beissinger TM, Bauck S, Woodward B, Rosa GJ, Weigel KA, de Leon Gatti N, Gianola D. 2011. A primer on high-throughput computing for genomic selection. Frontiers in Livestock Genomics 2:4.
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Tim Gustafson

gustafsonMS Student

Currently a Research Associate with Seminis, Inc. and a PhD student with William Tracy in the UW Department of Agronomy.
7202 Portage Road
DeForest, WI 53532

Office: 608-846-7889

Publications from Tim’s work at UW:

1. Gustafson, T., J.G. Coors and N. de Leon. 2010. Evaluation of S2-topcross selection for maize (Zea mays L.) silage yield and quality in the Wisconsin Quality Synthetic population. Crop Science 50: 1795-1804.

2. Gustafson, T. and N. de Leon. 2010. Genetic analysis of maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm vitreousness and related hardness traits in the Intermated B73 x Mo17 recombinant inbred line population. Crop Science 50: 2318-2327.
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Nick Haase

Nick-HaasePhD Student

Research Scientist at Dupont Pioneer

Publications from Nick’s work at UW:

1. Haase, N., T.M. Beissinger, C.N. Hirsch, C.R. Buell, S.M. Kaeppler, N. de Leon (2015) Genetic Dissection of Quantitative Traits Using a Bulk and Resequencing Method on a Large Segregating Population of Maize.  G3 doi: 10.1534/g3.115.017665

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Candy (Hansey) Hirsch

PhD Student

Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
University of Minnesota
411 Borlaug Hall
1991 Upper Buford Circle
St. Paul, MN 55108-6026
Phone: (612) 301-9522
Fax: (612) 625-1268

Publications from Candy’s work at UW:

1. Hansey, C.N. and N. de Leon. 2011. Biomass yield and cell wall composition of corn (Zea mays L.) with alternative morphologies planted at variable densities. Crop Science 51:1005–1015.

2. Hansey, C., J. Johnson, R. Sekhon, S. Kaeppler and N. de Leon. 2011. Genetic diversity of a maize association population with restricted phenology. Crop Science 51:704–715.

3. Hansey, C.N., A.J. Lorenz and N. de Leon. 2010. Variation for compositional attributes of maize (Zea mays L.) plant parts across hybrids and associations between plant development stages. Bioenergy Research 3: 295–304.

4. Lorenz, A.J., N. de Leon, C.N. Hansey, J.G. Coors and S.M. Kaeppler. 2010. Genetic analysis of agronomic and cell wall traits relevant to cellulosic ethanol production in maize (Zea mays L.). Crop Science 50: 842–852.
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Ntjapa Lebaka

lebakaCo-advised PhD student

Currently working as LDB and Data Manager for Monsanto in South Africa.


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Aaron Lorenz

lorenzCo-advised PhD student

Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
University of Minnesota
Borlaug Hall
1991 Upper Buford Circle
St. Paul, MN 55108-6026

Phone: (612) 625-6754

Publications from Aaron’s work at UW:

1.Lorenz, A.J., N. de Leon, C.N. Hansey, J.G. Coors and S.M. Kaeppler. 2010. Genetic analysis of agronomic and cell wall traits relevant to cellulosic ethanol production in maize (Zea mays L.). Crop Science 50: 842-852.

2. Lorenz, A.J., T. Gustafson, N. de Leon and J.G. Coors. 2010. Breeding maize for a bioeconomy: A literature survey examining harvest index and stover yield and their relationship to grain yield. Crop Science 50: 1-12.

3. Wolfrum, E.J., A.J. Lorenz, and N. de Leon. 2009. Correlating forage analysis information with dietary fiber analysis data for corn stover.Cellulose 16: 577–585.

4. Lorenz, A.J., R.P. Anex, A. Isci, J.G. Coors, N. de Leon, and P.J. Weimer. 2009. Forage quality and composition measurements as predictors of ethanol yield from maize stover. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2:5.

5. Lorenz, A.J., J.G. Coors, N. de Leon , E.J. Wolfrum, B.R. Hames, A.D. Sluiter and P.J. Weimer. 2009. Characterization, genetic variation, and combining ability of maize traits beneficial to the production of cellulosic ethanol. Crop Science 49: 85-98

6. Lorenz, A.J., and J.G. Coors. 2008. What can be learned from silage breeding programs? Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 148: 261-270.
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Steve Spranger

sprangerMS Student

Currently working as a research specialist at the Pioneer Hi-Bred Eau Claire station.


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Melinda Yerka

melinda_yerka_2Co-advised PhD Student

Currently: Assistant Professor (Adjunct) and Research Geneticist, USDA-ARS
Grain, Forage & Bioenergy Research
Research Geneticist (Plants)

Phone: (402) 472-1754
Fax: (402) 472-4020
137 Keim Hall
UNL East Campus
Lincoln, NE 68583-0937

Publications from Melinda’s work at UW:

1. Yerka, M., A. Wiersma, B. Lindenmayer, P. Westra, W. Johnson, N. de Leon, D. E. Stoltenberg (2013) Reduced Translocation is Associated with Tolerance of Common Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) to Glyphosate. Weed Science 61: 353-360.

2. Yerka MK, de Leon N, Stoltenberg DE. 2012. Pollen-mediated gene flow in common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.). Weed Science. In Press.

3. Markham MY, Stoltenberg DE. 2010. Corn morphology, mass, and grain yield as affected by early-season red:far-red light environments. Crop Science. 50:273-280.

4. Markham MY, Stoltenberg DE. 2009. Red:far-red light effects on corn growth and productivity in field environments. Weed Science. 57:208-215.
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German Muttoni

gmuttoniPhD Student

Monsanto Corn Breeding
228 West CR 700 South
Lebanon, IN 46052
Office: 765 482-2962 ext 25
Cell: 317-379-5287

Publications from German’s work at UW:

1. Muttoni G, Johnson JM, Santoro N, Rhiner CJ, Haro von Mogel KJ, Kaeppler SM, de Leon N. 2012. A high-throughput core sampling device for the evaluation of maize stalk composition. Biotechnology for Biofuels 5:27. [Device Video].

2. Muttoni G, Palacios-Rojas N, Galicia L, Rosales A, Pixley KV, de Leon N. Cell wall composition and digestibility in Mexican maize (Zea maysL.) landraces and CIMMYT inbred lines. Maydica In Press.

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Rajan Sekhon


Department Genetics and Biochemistry – Clemson University
314 Biosystems Research Complex
105 Collings Street
Clemson, South Carolina 29634
Office: 864-656-1725

Publications from Rajan’s work at UW:

1. Sekhon, R.S., C.N. Hirsch, K.L. Childs, M.W. Breitzman, P. Kell, S. Duvick, C.R. Buell, N. de Leon, and S.M. Kaeppler (2014) Phenotypic and transcriptional analysis of divergently selected maize populations reveals the role of developmental timing in seed size determination. Plant Physiology 165: 658-669.

2. Hirsch, C.N., J.M. Foerster, J.M. Johnson, R.S. Sekhon, G. Muttoni, B. Vaillancourt, F. Peñagaricano, E. Lindquist, M.A. Pedraza, K. Barry, N. de Leon, S.M. Kaeppler, C.R. Buell (2014) Insights into the Maize (Zea mays L.) Pan-Genome and Pan-Transcriptome. Plant Cell 26: 121-135.

3. Sekhon, R.S., R. Briskine, C.N. Hansey, C.L. Meyers, N.M. Springer, C.R. Buell, N. de Leon, S.M. Kaeppler (2013) Maize gene atlas developed by RNA sequencing and comparative evaluation of transcriptomes based on RNA sequencing and microarrays. PLOS One 8 (4), e61005.

4. Beissinger, T.M., C.N. Hirsch, R. Sekhon, J. Foerster, J. Johnson, G. Muttoni, B. Vaillencourt, C.R. Buell, S.M. Kaeppler, N. de Leon (2013) Marker density and read-depth for genotyping populations using next-generation sequencing approaches. Genetics 193: 1073-1081.

5. Sekhon, R., C.N. Hansey, C.R. Buell, N. de Leon, S.M. Kaeppler (2012). Transcriptional and metabolic analysis of induced senescence in maize. Plant Physiology 159: 1730-1744.

6. Chia, J.M., C. Song, P.J. Bradbury, D. Costich, N. de Leon, J. Doebley, R.J. Elshire, B. Gaut, L. Geller, J.C. Glaubitz, M. Gore, K.E. Guill, J. Holland, M.B. Hufford, J. Lai, M.Li, X. Liu, Y. Lu, R. McCombie, R. Nelson, J. Poland, B.M. Prasanna, T. Pyhäjärvi, T. Rong, R.S. Sekhon, Q. Sun, M.I. Tenaillon, F. Tian, J. Wang, X. Xu, Z. Zhang, S.M. Kaeppler, J. Ross-Ibarra, M.D. McMullen, E.S. Buckler, G. Zhang, Y. Xu, D. Ware (2012). Maize HapMap2 identifies extant variation from a genome in flux. Nature Genetics 44(7):803-7.

7. Hansey, C.N., B. Vaillancourt, R.S. Sekhon, N. de Leon, S.M. Kaeppler, C.R. Buell (2012). Maize (Zea mays L.) genome diversity as revealed by RNA-sequencing. PLoS ONE 7(3): e33071.

8. Davidson, R.M., C.N. Hansey†, M. Gowda, K.L. Childs, H. Lin, B. Vaillancourt, R.S. Sekhon, N. de Leon, S.M. Kaeppler, N. Jiang and C.R. Buell (2011). Utility of RNA-seq for Analysis of Maize Reproductive Transcriptomes. Plant Genome 4:191-203.
9. Sekhon, R, H. Lin, K. Childs, C. Hansey†, C. Buell, N. de Leon, S. Kaeppler (2011) Genome-wide atlas of transcription through maize development. Plant Journal 66: 553 – 563

10. Hansey, C., J. Johnson, R. Sekhon, S. Kaeppler and N. de Leon (2011). Genetic diversity of a maize association population with restricted phenology. Crop Sci 51: 704 -715.

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Jimmy Flannery

jimmy-flanneryResearch Specialist

Currently: IMPACT RA at Dupont Pioneer

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Julie Smith

Julie-Smith-768x1024Research Specialist

Currently: UW, Madison – Lichen/Bryophyte TCN Project Manager
158 Birge Hall
430 Lincoln Dr
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 262-2792

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Dan Roberts

Research Specialist

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Renato Rodrigues Silva

Renato RodriguesPostdoc

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