Tim Beissinger | Tim Gustafson | Nick Hasse | Candy (Hansey) Hirsch | Ntjapa Lebaka | Aaron Lorenz | Steve Spranger
Melinda Yerka | German Muttoni | Rajan Sekhon | Jimmy Flannery | Julie Smith | Dan Roberts | Renato Rodrigues Silva
Tim Beissinger
PhD Student
Primary research interest: Development and application of methods for identifying the genomic traces of single-locus and epistatic selection.
Department of Agronomy
1575 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706-1597
E-mail: beissinger@wisc.edu
Publications from Tim’s work at UW:
1. Haase, N., T.M. Beissinger, C.N. Hirsch, C.R. Buell, S.M. Kaeppler, N. de Leon (2015) Genetic Dissection of Quantitative Traits Using a Bulk and Resequencing Method on a Large Segregating Population of Maize. Target Journal: G3 accepted
2. Beissinger, T.M., G.J.M. Rosa, S.M. Kaeppler, D. Gianola, N. de Leon (2015) Defining window-boundaries for genomic analyses using smoothing spline techniques. Genetics, Selection and Evolution 47: 30-38
3. Foerster, J.M., T. Beissinger, N. de Leon, S.M. Kaeppler (2014) Large Effect QTL Explain Natural Phenotypic Variation for the Developmental Timing of Vegetative Phase Change in Maize (Zea mays L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 128: 529-538
4. Hirsch C.N., S.A. Flint-Garcia, T.M. Beissinger, S.R. Eichten, S. Deshpande, K. Barry, M.D. McMullen, J.B. Holland, E.S. Buckler, N.M. Springer, C.R. Buell, N. de Leon, S.M. Kaeppler (2014) Insights into the Effects of Long-Term Artificial Selection on Seed Size in Maize. Genetics 198: 409-421.
5. Beissinger, T.M., C.N. Hirsch, B. Vaillancourt, S. Deshpande, K. Barry, C.R. Buell, S.M. Kaeppler, D. Gianola, N. de Leon (2014) Genome-wide scan for selection following thirty generations of artificial selection for increased number of ears per plant in the Golden Glow maize population. Genetics 196: 829-840.
6. Beissinger, T.M., C.N. Hirsch, R. Sekhon, J. Foerster, J. Johnson, G. Muttoni, B. Vaillencourt, C.R. Buell, S.M. Kaeppler, N. de Leon (2013) Marker density and read-depth for genotyping populations using next-generation sequencing approaches. Genetics 193: 1073-1081.
7. Wu XL, Sun C, Beissinger TM, Rosa GJ, Weigel KA, de Leon Gatti N, Gianola D. 2012. Parallel markov chain Monte Carlo – bridging the gap to high-performance bayesian computation in animal breeding and genetics. Genetics Selection Evolution 44:29.
8. Wu XL, Beissinger TM, Bauck S, Woodward B, Rosa GJ, Weigel KA, de Leon Gatti N, Gianola D. 2011. A primer on high-throughput computing for genomic selection. Frontiers in Livestock Genomics 2:4.
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Tim Gustafson
MS Student
Currently a Research Associate with Seminis, Inc. and a PhD student with William Tracy in the UW Department of Agronomy.
7202 Portage Road
DeForest, WI 53532
Office: 608-846-7889
E-mail: tjgustafson@wisc.edu
Publications from Tim’s work at UW:
1. Gustafson, T., J.G. Coors and N. de Leon. 2010. Evaluation of S2-topcross selection for maize (Zea mays L.) silage yield and quality in the Wisconsin Quality Synthetic population. Crop Science 50: 1795-1804.
2. Gustafson, T. and N. de Leon. 2010. Genetic analysis of maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm vitreousness and related hardness traits in the Intermated B73 x Mo17 recombinant inbred line population. Crop Science 50: 2318-2327.
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Nick Haase
PhD Student
Research Scientist at Dupont Pioneer
Email: nicholas.haase@pioneer.com
Publications from Nick’s work at UW:
1. Haase, N., T.M. Beissinger, C.N. Hirsch, C.R. Buell, S.M. Kaeppler, N. de Leon (2015) Genetic Dissection of Quantitative Traits Using a Bulk and Resequencing Method on a Large Segregating Population of Maize. G3 doi: 10.1534/g3.115.017665
Candy (Hansey) Hirsch
PhD Student
Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
University of Minnesota
411 Borlaug Hall
1991 Upper Buford Circle
St. Paul, MN 55108-6026
Phone: (612) 301-9522
Fax: (612) 625-1268
Email: cnhirsch@umn.edu
Publications from Candy’s work at UW:
1. Hansey, C.N. and N. de Leon. 2011. Biomass yield and cell wall composition of corn (Zea mays L.) with alternative morphologies planted at variable densities. Crop Science 51:1005–1015.
2. Hansey, C., J. Johnson, R. Sekhon, S. Kaeppler and N. de Leon. 2011. Genetic diversity of a maize association population with restricted phenology. Crop Science 51:704–715.
3. Hansey, C.N., A.J. Lorenz and N. de Leon. 2010. Variation for compositional attributes of maize (Zea mays L.) plant parts across hybrids and associations between plant development stages. Bioenergy Research 3: 295–304.
4. Lorenz, A.J., N. de Leon, C.N. Hansey, J.G. Coors and S.M. Kaeppler. 2010. Genetic analysis of agronomic and cell wall traits relevant to cellulosic ethanol production in maize (Zea mays L.). Crop Science 50: 842–852.
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Ntjapa Lebaka
Co-advised PhD student
Currently working as LDB and Data Manager for Monsanto in South Africa.
E-mail: ntjapa.lebaka@monsanto.com
Aaron Lorenz
Co-advised PhD student
Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics
University of Minnesota
Borlaug Hall
1991 Upper Buford Circle
St. Paul, MN 55108-6026
Phone: (612) 625-6754
Email: lore0149@umn.edu
Publications from Aaron’s work at UW:
1.Lorenz, A.J., N. de Leon, C.N. Hansey, J.G. Coors and S.M. Kaeppler. 2010. Genetic analysis of agronomic and cell wall traits relevant to cellulosic ethanol production in maize (Zea mays L.). Crop Science 50: 842-852.
2. Lorenz, A.J., T. Gustafson, N. de Leon and J.G. Coors. 2010. Breeding maize for a bioeconomy: A literature survey examining harvest index and stover yield and their relationship to grain yield. Crop Science 50: 1-12.
3. Wolfrum, E.J., A.J. Lorenz, and N. de Leon. 2009. Correlating forage analysis information with dietary fiber analysis data for corn stover.Cellulose 16: 577–585.
4. Lorenz, A.J., R.P. Anex, A. Isci, J.G. Coors, N. de Leon, and P.J. Weimer. 2009. Forage quality and composition measurements as predictors of ethanol yield from maize stover. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2:5.
5. Lorenz, A.J., J.G. Coors, N. de Leon , E.J. Wolfrum, B.R. Hames, A.D. Sluiter and P.J. Weimer. 2009. Characterization, genetic variation, and combining ability of maize traits beneficial to the production of cellulosic ethanol. Crop Science 49: 85-98
6. Lorenz, A.J., and J.G. Coors. 2008. What can be learned from silage breeding programs? Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 148: 261-270.
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Steve Spranger
MS Student
Currently working as a research specialist at the Pioneer Hi-Bred Eau Claire station.
Email: sspranger@wisc.edu
Melinda Yerka
Co-advised PhD Student
Currently: Assistant Professor (Adjunct) and Research Geneticist, USDA-ARS
Grain, Forage & Bioenergy Research
Research Geneticist (Plants)
Email: melinda.yerka@ars.usda.gov
Phone: (402) 472-1754
Fax: (402) 472-4020
137 Keim Hall
UNL East Campus
Lincoln, NE 68583-0937
Publications from Melinda’s work at UW:
1. Yerka, M., A. Wiersma, B. Lindenmayer, P. Westra, W. Johnson, N. de Leon, D. E. Stoltenberg (2013) Reduced Translocation is Associated with Tolerance of Common Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) to Glyphosate. Weed Science 61: 353-360.
2. Yerka MK, de Leon N, Stoltenberg DE. 2012. Pollen-mediated gene flow in common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.). Weed Science. In Press.
3. Markham MY, Stoltenberg DE. 2010. Corn morphology, mass, and grain yield as affected by early-season red:far-red light environments. Crop Science. 50:273-280.
4. Markham MY, Stoltenberg DE. 2009. Red:far-red light effects on corn growth and productivity in field environments. Weed Science. 57:208-215.
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German Muttoni
PhD Student
Monsanto Corn Breeding
228 West CR 700 South
Lebanon, IN 46052
Office: 765 482-2962 ext 25
Cell: 317-379-5287
Email: german.muttoni@monsanto.com
Publications from German’s work at UW:
1. Muttoni G, Johnson JM, Santoro N, Rhiner CJ, Haro von Mogel KJ, Kaeppler SM, de Leon N. 2012. A high-throughput core sampling device for the evaluation of maize stalk composition. Biotechnology for Biofuels 5:27. [Device Video].
2. Muttoni G, Palacios-Rojas N, Galicia L, Rosales A, Pixley KV, de Leon N. Cell wall composition and digestibility in Mexican maize (Zea maysL.) landraces and CIMMYT inbred lines. Maydica In Press.
Rajan Sekhon
Department Genetics and Biochemistry – Clemson University
314 Biosystems Research Complex
105 Collings Street
Clemson, South Carolina 29634
Office: 864-656-1725
Email: sekhon@clemson.edu
Publications from Rajan’s work at UW:
1. Sekhon, R.S., C.N. Hirsch, K.L. Childs, M.W. Breitzman, P. Kell, S. Duvick, C.R. Buell, N. de Leon, and S.M. Kaeppler (2014) Phenotypic and transcriptional analysis of divergently selected maize populations reveals the role of developmental timing in seed size determination. Plant Physiology 165: 658-669.
2. Hirsch, C.N., J.M. Foerster, J.M. Johnson, R.S. Sekhon, G. Muttoni, B. Vaillancourt, F. Peñagaricano, E. Lindquist, M.A. Pedraza, K. Barry, N. de Leon, S.M. Kaeppler, C.R. Buell (2014) Insights into the Maize (Zea mays L.) Pan-Genome and Pan-Transcriptome. Plant Cell 26: 121-135.
3. Sekhon, R.S., R. Briskine, C.N. Hansey, C.L. Meyers, N.M. Springer, C.R. Buell, N. de Leon, S.M. Kaeppler (2013) Maize gene atlas developed by RNA sequencing and comparative evaluation of transcriptomes based on RNA sequencing and microarrays. PLOS One 8 (4), e61005.
4. Beissinger, T.M., C.N. Hirsch, R. Sekhon, J. Foerster, J. Johnson, G. Muttoni, B. Vaillencourt, C.R. Buell, S.M. Kaeppler, N. de Leon (2013) Marker density and read-depth for genotyping populations using next-generation sequencing approaches. Genetics 193: 1073-1081.
5. Sekhon, R., C.N. Hansey, C.R. Buell, N. de Leon, S.M. Kaeppler (2012). Transcriptional and metabolic analysis of induced senescence in maize. Plant Physiology 159: 1730-1744.
6. Chia, J.M., C. Song, P.J. Bradbury, D. Costich, N. de Leon, J. Doebley, R.J. Elshire, B. Gaut, L. Geller, J.C. Glaubitz, M. Gore, K.E. Guill, J. Holland, M.B. Hufford, J. Lai, M.Li, X. Liu, Y. Lu, R. McCombie, R. Nelson, J. Poland, B.M. Prasanna, T. Pyhäjärvi, T. Rong, R.S. Sekhon, Q. Sun, M.I. Tenaillon, F. Tian, J. Wang, X. Xu, Z. Zhang, S.M. Kaeppler, J. Ross-Ibarra, M.D. McMullen, E.S. Buckler, G. Zhang, Y. Xu, D. Ware (2012). Maize HapMap2 identifies extant variation from a genome in flux. Nature Genetics 44(7):803-7.
7. Hansey, C.N., B. Vaillancourt, R.S. Sekhon, N. de Leon, S.M. Kaeppler, C.R. Buell (2012). Maize (Zea mays L.) genome diversity as revealed by RNA-sequencing. PLoS ONE 7(3): e33071.
8. Davidson, R.M., C.N. Hansey†, M. Gowda, K.L. Childs, H. Lin, B. Vaillancourt, R.S. Sekhon, N. de Leon, S.M. Kaeppler, N. Jiang and C.R. Buell (2011). Utility of RNA-seq for Analysis of Maize Reproductive Transcriptomes. Plant Genome 4:191-203.
9. Sekhon, R, H. Lin, K. Childs, C. Hansey†, C. Buell, N. de Leon, S. Kaeppler (2011) Genome-wide atlas of transcription through maize development. Plant Journal 66: 553 – 563
10. Hansey, C., J. Johnson, R. Sekhon, S. Kaeppler and N. de Leon (2011). Genetic diversity of a maize association population with restricted phenology. Crop Sci 51: 704 -715.
Jimmy Flannery
Research Specialist
Currently: IMPACT RA at Dupont Pioneer
Julie Smith
Research Specialist
Currently: UW, Madison – Lichen/Bryophyte TCN Project Manager
158 Birge Hall
430 Lincoln Dr
Madison, WI 53706
(608) 262-2792
Email: jesmith7@wisc.edu
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