
Core Sampling Device

The core sampling device (CSD) is utilized to collect uniform samples of maize stalk required for breeding, genetics and production studies. In particular, the CSD is used to analyze cell wall composition and digestibility. For more information about the CSD, please watch the following video.


Core sampling device components. The CSD is composed of nine main components that include a platform (A), frame composed by the arms and top bar (B); handle (C); cork borer housing (D), cork borer (E); core sample extractor (F); separation plate (G); two base brackets (H) and a rubber mat (I). The core sample extractor and the core borer are shown individually (J).

Muttoni et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2012 5:27


Core sampling device.CSD (A). The CSD handle is lifted-up (the white arrow indicates the direction of the handle) and the maize main stalk internode is placed on the rubber mat (B and C). Once the internode is in the right position (center of rubber mat), the handle is pulled down (D) and the cork borer begins to penetrate the internode (E) until both sides of the internode (rind) are cut (F). The handle is lifted up again (G) and the core is released by a core extractor mechanism (H, I, and J). A tube is placed over the end of the cork borer before the sample is released (K). The sample consists of a complete cross-section of the stalk internode composed of both rind sections as well as the pith (L, M). Note: in E-H, the separation plate was removed to facilitate visualization.

Muttoni et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2012 5:27

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