Germplasm/Technology Availability and Mechanism of Distribution
Two types of germplasm are available:
- All cycles of the WQS, GQS, and WGRCOMP breeding populations will be available for a nominal fee ($500 for private companies and no charge for public institutions) without further restrictions to all who request this material.
- All families inbred to the S4 and later generations will be available to all who request them (as long as seed is available), but they will remain property of the University of Wisconsin and subject to licensing/patenting restrictions provided bythe Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF). There is a $100 germplasm transfer fee/inbred line for all released inbred lines.
Released inbred lines, breeding populations and NIRS technology (links to WARF web site):
- W616S – Inbred line developed from germplasm provided by GEM program and released in 2012
- W615S – Inbred line developed from GQS C0 and released in 2012
- W613S and W614S – Inbred lines developed from WQS C3 and released in 2012
- W612S – Inbred line developed from WQS C2 and released in 2009
- W611S – Inbred line developed from WQS C2 and released in 2009
- W610S – Inbred line developed from germplasm provided by the GEM program and released in 2009
- W609S – Inbred line developed from germplasm provided by the GEM program and released in 2009
- W608S – Inbred line developed from germplasm provided by the GEM program and released in 2009
- W607S – Inbred line developed from germplasm provided by the GEM program and released in 2009
- W606S – Inbred line developed from germplasm provided by the GEM program and released in 2009
- GQS C1 – Breeding population released in 2010
- WQS C4 – Breeding population released in 2007
- WQS C3 – Breeding population released in 2004 (link coming soon)
- WGRCOMP C2 – Breeding population released in 2004
- UW NIRS silage quality prediction equations – NIRS prediction equations released in 2003 and updated on a regular basis
The following set of lines are publicly available and require no material transfer agreement:
- W605S – Inbred line developed from germplasm provided by the GEM program and released in 2004
- W602S, W603S, and W604S – Inbred lines developed from WQS C1 and released in 2003
- W601S – Inbred line developed from WQS C0 and released in 2003
For further information about W606S-W610S, W615S-W616S and the University of Wisconsin Silage Breeding see the Public Cooperator Reports by de Leon on the Germplasm Enhancement of Maize (GEM) web site.
Seed Requests
If you are interested in our silage germplasm or technology contact Natalia de Leon ( If you would like to receive inbred or hybrid seed, you will have to fill out a Material Transfer Agreement that can be obtained from WARF using the links provided above. Breeding populations are available with a standard license agreement that can also be obtained from WARF.