2010 Trials

Trial Description
AR16026 Silage re-evaluation of seven advanced inbred lines from the GEM program derived from the AR16026:S1719-052-2-B-B-B population testcrossed by Holdens tester LH287 and UW line W604S.
DK212T_888 Silage evaluation of advanced inbred lines from the GEM program derived from DK212T:N11a12-122-1-B-B and DK888:N11a08a:440-001-B. This included 17 inbreds from DK888 and eight inbreds from DK212T, each crossed to Holdens’ tester LH244.
GEM0175 Silage evaluation of 15 inbred lines from the GEM program derived from the GEM0175 population testcrossed by Holdens tester LH287.
GEM0176 Silage evaluation of 15 inbred lines from the GEM program derived from the GEM0176 population testcrossed by Holdens tester LH287.
GEM0183_0184 Silage evaluation of ten inbred lines derived from the GEM0184 and 15 inbred lines derived from the GEM0183 populations testcrossed by Holdens tester LH287.
GUAT209 Silage re-testing of 17 inbred lines derived from population GUAT209:S1308a-135-001-B and one inbred line derived from population GUAT209:S1308a-013-001-B crossed to Holdens’ tester LH287.
GCSC0 Silage evaluation of 16 advanced inbred lines from the GQS C0 population crossed to Holdens’ tester LH287 and W604S, for a total of 32 entries in this trial.
WQSC3 Re-testing of seven inbred lines derived from population WQS C3 crossed to Holdens’ testers LH244 and LH332 as well as Greenleaf’s tester GP245.
WQSC4 First evaluation of materials from cycle 4 of the WQS C4 population. This included 188 S2 lines crossed by Holden’s tester LH244.